
Talent Affairs Department
-Evaluation and doing studies and research desired by the Council for Talent Guidance and providing expert opinions and advice to the Council.
-Preparation of plans, programs and regulations to fulfill the objectives and tasks of the Talent Guidance Council.
-Preparing the agenda and setting the agenda and minutes of the Talent Guidance Council.
-Establishing monitoring and control system on the implementation of enactments of Talent Guidance Council and evaluating the results of their implementation and submitting reports.
-Study about the ways to identify talented students.
-Checking and developing education and research programs to blossom Talents.
-Checking the factors for exiting talent from the country and presenting solutions to attract the Iranian elites from abroad.
-Providing advice and information services to gifted students.
-Publishing scientific works in the field of talents.
-Providing database on the talents.
-Moral and material support of talents.
-Distribution of credits for Talent to colleges, research institutions and scientific societies enforcers of talent flourishing program
-Presentation of the Annual Performance Report to Talent Guidance Council.
-Performing other tasks assigned by superiors.